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  • Beatriz Palacios Abad, Elizabeth Belding, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, and Ellen Zegura. 2024. Mending the Fabric: the Contentious, Collaborative Work of Repairing Broadband Maps. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW2, Article 464 (November 2024), 24 pages.  Recognition for Impact Best Paper Award 

  • Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Lakshmi Panguluri, Harry DeCecco, Md Nazmul Hossain, Ashish Amresh, Ann Collier, Darold Joseph. "ICT-facilitated Health Interventions for Indigenous Communities: A Critical Literature Review." ACM Journal of Responsible Computing.

  • Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Italo Santos, Dayra Quiñonez. "Critical Analysis of the Inclusivity of Crowdsourced Internet Measurement Apps." in Proceedings of TPRC52. Washington, D.C., September 2024.

  • Jared Duvall, Shelby Hagemann, Tochukwu Ikwonne, Dayra Quiñonez, and Morgan Vigil-Hayes. "Co-Designing Location-based Games for Broadband Data Collection." ACM DIS '24. Copenhagen, Denmark. July 1-5, 2024

  • Shelby Hagemann, Ann Collier, Laverne Dallas, Marissa Adams, Darold Joseph, Ashish Amresh, Morgan Vigil-Hayes. "Designing a Resilience Resource Database with Hopi Behavioral Health Services."  ACM DIS Companion '24. Copenhagen, Denmark. July 1-5, 2024



  • Ann Collier, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Shelby Hagemann. "Human-to-Computer Interactivity Features Incorporated into Behavioral Health mHealth Apps: Systematic Search," JMIR Formative Research, 7 (2023): e44926.

  • Nazmul Hossain and Morgan Vigil-Hayes. "Woes, Workarounds, and Wishes of Users Living in a Multinetwork Reality," in Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2023. CHI Late-breaking Work (Extended Abstracts)

  • Beatriz Palacios Abad, Michael Koohang, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, and Ellen Zegura. 2023. Alone and Together: Resilience in a Fluid Socio-Technical-Natural System. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 7, CSCW1, Article 24 (April 2023), 26 pages. 




  • Esther Showalter, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Ellen Zegura, Elizabeth Belding. "Pandemic-Influenced Human Mobility on Tribal Lands in California: Data Sparsity and Analytical Precision". to appear in PLOS One.

  • Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Md Nazmul Hossain, Alexander Elliot, Elizabeth Belding, and Ellen Zegura. "LoRaX: Repurposing LoRa as a Low Data Rate Messaging System to Extend Internet Boundaries." ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS). June 2022.

  • Tarun Mangla, Esther Showalter, Vivek Adarsh, Kip Jones, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Elizabeth Belding and Ellen Zegura, "A Tale of Three Datasets: Towards Characterizing Mobile Broadband Access in the United States", Communications of the ACM, March 2022.



  • Marisa Duarte, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Ellen Zegura, Elizabeth Belding, Ivone Masara, and Jennifer Case Nevarez. "'As a Squash Plant Grows': Social Textures of Sparse Internet Connectivity in Rural and Tribal Communities." to appear in ACM Transactions on CHI, Special Issue: Rural HCI. June 2021.

  • Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Anne Futterman Collier, Shelby Hagemann, Giovanni Castillo, Keller Mikkelson, Joshua Dingman, Andrew Muñoz, Jade Luther, Alexandra McLaughlin. "Integrating Cultural Relevance into a Behavioral mHealth Intervention for Native American Youth." to appear in the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5, CSCW1, Article 165. April 2021. Recognition for Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion Best Paper Award

  • Vivek Ardash, Michael Nekrasov, Udit Paul, Alex Ermakov, Arpit Gupta, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Ellen Zegura, Elizabeth Belding. "Too Late for Playback: Estimation of Video Stream Quality in Rural and Urban Contexts." In Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference, March 2021.

  • Showalter, Esther, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Ellen Zegura, Rich Sutton, and Elizabeth Belding. "Tribal Mobility and COVID-19: An Urban-Rural Analysis in New Mexico." In Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, pp. 99-105. February 2021.

  • Marisa Elena Duarte and Morgan Vigil-Hayes. "An Indigenous Feminist Approach to Digital Methods." Indigenous Peoples Rise Up: The Global Ascendency of Social Media Activism (2021): 93.



  • Marisa Duarte, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Sandy Littletree, Miranda Belarde-Lewis. "'Of Course, Data Can Never Fully Represent Reality': Assessing the Relationship between "Indigenous Data" and "Indigenous Knowledge," "Traditional Ecological Knowledge," and "Traditional Knowledge"" Human Biology, vol. 19, no. 3. Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan, USA. Summer 2019 (printed in 2020). 



  • Michael Nekrasov, Vivek Ardash, Udit Paul, Esther Showalter, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Ellen Zegura, and Elizabeth Belding. "Evaluating LTE Coverage and Quality from an Unmanned Aircraft System." in the Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Conference on Mobile and Ad-hoc and Smart Systems, November 2019, Monterey, California, USA

  • Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Nicholet Deschine Parkhurst, Marisa Elena Duarte. "Complex, Contemporary, and Unconventional: Characterizing the Tweets of the #NativeVote Movement and Native American Candidates through the 2018 U.S. Midterm Elections." Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, vol CSCW, no 103. 27 pages. Recognition for Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion

  • Jean Hardy, Chanda Phelan, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Norman Makoto Su, Susan Wyche, and Phoebe Sengers. "Designing from the Rural." ACM Interactions July/August 2019.

  • Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Ann Futterman Collier, Giovanni Castillo, Davona Blackhorse, Nikole Awbery, and John-Paul Abrahim. "Designing a Mobile Game That Develops Emotional Resiliency in Indian Country." ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Extended Abstracts, May 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 

  • Esther Showalter, Nicole Moghaddas, Elizabeth Belding, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Ellen Zegura. “Indigenous Internet: Nuances of Native American Internet Use.” International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Development, 2019. 4. 



  • Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Jeanna Matthews, Amelia Acker, Daniel Carter. "Reflecting on Alternative Internet Models and How They Inform More Mindful Connectivity." ITUJournal: ICT Discoveries, issue 2: Data for Good. 2018.

  • Morgan Vigil-Hayes. "A New Narrative: Rural Agency and Culture at the Center." Rural Computing Workshop at the 21st ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, November 2018, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.



  • Marisa E. Duarte and Morgan Vigil-Hayes (2017). # Indigenous: A Technical and Decolonial Analysis of Activist Uses of Hashtags Across Social Movements. MediaTropes, 7(1), 166-184.

  • Paul Flikkema and Morgan Vigil-Hayes. "Self-Adaptive and Resilient Urban Networking Infrastructure for Disasters and Smart City Services,"  IWSC 2017, Boston, MA, USA.

  • Mai ElSherief, Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Elizabeth Belding. "Who to Query? Spatially-Blind Participatory Crowdsensing under Budget Constraints,"  CrowdSenSys 2017, Delft, Netherlands. 

  • Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Elizabeth Belding, Ellen Zegura. "FiDO: A Community-based Web Browsing Agent and CDN for Challenged Environments," Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), vol. 1, no. 3, article 108, pp. 108:1-108:25​

  • Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Marisa Duarte, Nicholet Deschine Parkhurst, Elizabeth Belding. "#Indigenous: Tracking the Connective Actions of Native American Advocates on Twitter," CSCW 2017, Portland, OR, USA. Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award



  • Paul Schmitt, Morgan Vigil, Elizabeth Belding. "A Study of MVNO Data Paths and Performance," PAM 2016​, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. [PDF]

  • Morgan Vigil, Elizabeth Belding, Matthew Rantanen. "Repurposing FM: Radio Nowhere to OSNs Everywhere," CSCW 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA. [PDF]



  • Waylon Brunette, Morgan Vigil, Fahad Pervaiz, Shahar Levari, Gaetano Borriello, Richard Anderson "Optimizing Mobile Application Communication for Challenged Network Environments,"  ACM DEV 2015, London, England, UK.  [PDF]

  • Morgan Vigil, Matthew Rantanen, Elizabeth Belding. "A First Look at Tribal Web Traffic," WWW 2015, Florence, Italy. [PDF]

  • Mariya Zheleva, Paul Schmitt, Morgan Vigil, Elizabeth Belding. "Internet Bandwidth Upgrade: Implications on Performance and
    Usage in Rural Zambia," Information Technologies & International Development (ITID), vol. 11, no.2. Spring 2015, pp. 1-18 [PDF]



  • Mariya Zheleva, Paul Schmitt, Morgan Vigil, Elizabeth Belding. "The Increased Bandwidth Fallacy," in ACM DEV-4, Cape Town, South Africa.

  • Mariya Zheleva, Paul Schmitt, Morgan Vigil, Elizabeth Belding. "Bringing Visibility to Rural Users in Ivory Coast," in ICTD 2013, Cape Town, South Africa.

  • Mariya Zheleva, Paul Schmitt, Morgan Vigil, Elizabeth Belding. "Community Detection in Cellular Network Traces," in ICTD 2013, Cape Town, South Africa. 

  • Paul Schmitt, Morgan Vigil, Mariya Zheleva, Elizabeth Belding. "Communication Flow Patterns in the Orange Telecom D4D Dataset", in NetMob 2013, Boston, MA, USA.


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